1-Comment reader
2-messenger reader
3-what’s app reader
4-order placer on what’s app and messenger
5-gmail reader / comaplin sumbit /comaplin solve /Bluex emails/
6-quality controller chat
7-timing checking
———-/////1-Comments reader instructions//////——-
(as marketing study of Pakistan’s Sai logically customer waiting potential is 3 minutes and we have to reply with in 3 minutes)
Negative comments
Hide negative comment
If negative comment Is for Complain then Send msg to negative comment person for summit Comaplin inbox
Positive comments
There is 2 groups
1st group is potential customer who want to place there own order but need some details about outfit and company to be satisfied
2nd group is potential customer who want to order but don’t know how to creat order they want from us to creat there order .we have to deal this type of customers seriously
1st group customer comments
Questions like
-outfit details (fabric/Wirth/stitched/unstitched/height)
Our behaviour will be
first Have to like every comment
2-reply to every comment
Hi! The price of this printed shirt is 674+Dc
For complete details kindly click here
-outfit details (fabric/Wirth/stitched/unstitched/height)
Hi! It’s pure Lawn with 40”height 28”wirth 23”sleeves unstitched printed trendy shirt
-Dc/deliver charges/ 2 shirts pr dc/ etc
You can order as much as you want and pay only 250/- rupees (Delivery Charges) dc is applicable on sale items only otherwise free shipping all over Pakistan
We are located at Lahore also online store our company provide home delivery service ? with cash on delivery nation wide
————— starting 2nd gruop ——————-
2nd group is potential customer who want to order but don’t know how to creat order they want from us to creat there order .we have to deal this type of customers seriously
This type of customer always showing interest to buy and you will feel they are confusing to place order – we have to help them
2nd group customer comments
Questions like
-I want to buy / how to buy / I want this /I want to order /I want to order these 2 /plz place my order/
Our behaviour will be
first Have to like every comment
2-reply to every comment
Kindly check inbox
3-And also send message
Kindly send me your selected outfit code
——-///////2-messenger reader instructions ///////——
(as marketing study of Pakistan’s Sai logically customer waiting potential is 3 minutes and we have to reply with in 3 minutes)
2-type of chats you have
1st direct customer text
2-our comment reader send text to the customer
Every customer who text us they are interested to our outfits and want to order now it’s all depend on our team skills how we deal them we have to take maximum number of orders from customer who text us
Way to hand over taken order for order placer
-after deal to customer you have to make sure you have get complete details like selected outfits and shipping details from the customer
We need following details to place your order
After that you have to send back 2 things in chat for order placer (this mechanism will reduce mistake risk and help to order placer to under stand order details and also increase speed of work and many more things) 1st you have to send shipping details (you will always rec uncompleted and un-arranged shipping details from customer like
but this is your responsibility to complete these details in our requirements as We need following details to place your order
2nd is send selected outfits pics
It will be look like
then mark this chat as follow up
—-///////3-what’s app reader ///////——*
(as marketing study of Pakistan’s Sai logically customer waiting potential is 3 minutes and we have to reply with in 3 minutes)
The people of whats app chat are 96% interested to make order this is high potential customer in online shopping market
We have to take them like real serious
Every customer who text us on what’s app they are 100% interested to our outfits and want to order now it’s all depend on our team skills how we deal them. we have to take maximum number of orders from customer who text us on what’s app
Way to hand over taken order for order placer
-after deal to customer you have to make sure you have get complete details like selected outfits and shipping details from the customer
We need following details to place your order
After that you have to send back 2 things in chat for order placer (this mechanism will reduce mistake risk and help to order placer to under stand order details and also increase speed of work and many more things) 1st you have to send shipping details (you will always rec uncompleted and un-arranged shipping details from customer like
We need following details to place your order
Then send in chat
2nd is send selected outfits pics
Make sure it will be look like
then mark this chat as new order
You just have to place order and send the cropped finished billing slip with RangReza logo to the customer
—————-/////// 5-gmail reader / comaplin sumbit /comaplin solve /Bluex emails/ ———
24 hours gmail reply /comaplins sumbited on softwear /comaplins resolve on phone call/ Bluex emails reply
—————-///////7-timing checking//////———
-have to maintains 3 minutes reply rate in case of any delay of reply to comment or text on messenger. You have to inform as send screen short in gruop
—————-/////// 6-quality controller chat ————//////
-Have to check all chats is there any order left to place
-have to read all comments if is there any comment ignored so reply to the customer
-have to check did customer dealer person deal the client in kind way
-have to check is there sent order slip is completed like with logo and order number like